After previously sharing that their son has a developmental issue, Stephanie Ho and Fred Cheng recently revealed that Asher was diagnosed with a rare severe genetic disorder called Angelman Syndrome.
Sharing the news on social media on Asher’s second birthday, the couple expressed, “These individuals with AS usually have a happy demeanour, are non-verbal, have challenges with mobility and cognitive abilities, and are prone to seizures. Finding out about his disorder broke our hearts and we grieved for the healthy child we once imagined, running, playing music, going to college, but it also gave us a clearer direction in ways to support him in the future.”
Stephanie stated that the condition was randomly genetically mutated and was falsely identified as negative during early pregnancy tests. However, this knowledge has given them insight into family planning in the future.

“Although Asher is living with disabilities, we could not ask for a more perfect baby son. He has given us so much joy, and the happiness we have together far outweighs the worries and grief. Asher is a fighter, and we are very proud of his achievements. We understand that caregiving to a special needs child can be isolating, and we want other caregivers to know that they are not alone in this journey. Together we must stand up for our children and help them fight for a better future and a better quality of life. We are very positive and hopeful that in the near future there will be a cure for rare diseases,” she expressed.
To their son, she expressed, “We wish you will have a healthy and fulfilling year. We believe in your strength and resilience, and we know you have the power to overcome any obstacles that are in your way and we’ll be forever by your side. We love you so much baby Asher!”
(Photo Source: Stephanie Ho IG)