Tiffany Tang recently revealed that Miss Wang from “Blossoms Shanghai” is one of the most important characters she has ever played in her career.
The actress, who appeared at the finale preview event in Shanghai on 9 January, stated that she still has strong feelings for the character and that it will always have a special place in her heart.
“When I injected life into Miss Wang, she also injected a lot of strength into me at the same time,” she said.

When asked about the challenge of having to film the Wong Kar Wai series for three years, Tiffany said that she is just happy that viewers resonate well with the character.
“Everyone has witnessed Miss Wang’s growth along the way,” she added.
As for the standards for accepting roles in the future, the actress said that she would like to play more challenging characters.

(Photo Source: Tiffany Tang Weibo)