The hit reality show “Sing! China” team found themselves in hot water, following the release of a clip in which Coco Lee accused the show of bullying and shaming her.

On 17 August, the show tried to appease angry fans by saying that the so-called evidences that have been put forth by some people of their alleged mistreatment of Coco during her time as a judge on the show were tampered with.

“As a mentor of Sing! China 2022, Coco Lee put in her efforts wholeheartedly. While there had been misunderstandings during the production, it was resolved after communication,” the statement read on Weibo.

The team also stated that they will no longer explain the matter “out of respect for the deceased” and instead remember Coco’s devotion to the show.

It is noted that in the nine-minute audio file leaked on Weibo, a voice believed to be Coco’s lamented on how she was bullied by the “Sing! China” team after she questioned the rules of the competition after one of her proteges was eliminated from the show despite having a higher mark than another contestant.

She also recounted how the team neglected her wish to have her protege Wang Zepeng stand beside her on stage due to her leg problem, and caused her to fall while on stage. Coco also stated that despite her efforts, most of her scenes in the finals were edited out.

It is noted that the singer had just found out about her breast cancer diagnosis prior to her recording of the show.

“Sing! China” in hot waters over recent Coco Lee audio clip, celeb asia, coco lee, theHive.Asia
Coco passed away back in July

(Photo Source: Coco Lee IG, Sin Chew)