Nancy Lee has recently released more information about the upcoming memorial service for sister Coco Lee.
According to Nancy, funeral services shall take place on 31st July and 1st August 2023 at the Hong Kong Funeral Home in North Point. Meanwhile, fans of the singer will be able to pay homage in the auditorium on the first floor of the said funeral home from 6 to 10 pm on 31st July only.
Filming and photography will be prohibited inside the hall.
Meanwhile, the live broadcast will be aired on her YouTube channel from 4 to 7 pm on 31 July and 9.30 am to 10.30 am on 1 August.
In addition, Coco’s funeral photo was also revealed, with Nancy saying that the sisters chose the photo themselves, which shows Coco in her favourite white shirt and showing her trademark sunny smile.
As for the pallbearers, there are eight people involved, including Warner Music executive Jonathan Serbin, brother-in-law Billy Ho, TV host and fan Yang Yang and music producer Chien Yao. However, many noticed that husband Bruce Rockowitz is not named in the list.

(Photo Source: Coco Lee IG, Nancy Lee IG)