Austin Lin recently admitted to be excited over having Stephen Chow addressing him in his previous Instagram post.
As reported on Mingpao, the Taiwanese actor, who was in Hong Kong to promote his new movie, “Marry My Dead Body”, stated that he didn’t expect that Stephen would reply to his comment, when he decided to promote the movie to the comedy auteur.
It is noted that Stephen recently asked his followers to recommend him a movie to celebrate the month of May, to which Austin did by telling Stephen that “Marry My Dead Body” will be releasing in Hong Kong.
To his surprise, Stephen responded, “Why don’t you invite me to watch the premiere?”, prompting Austin to tell the director that he will take care of it immediately.
When asked about it by the media, the actor said, “As soon as I saw the message, I immediately asked the staff of the production company to find a way to contact Sing Yeh. If Sing Yeh goes to the theatre to watch the movie, it would be an achievement and an honour in my life.”
Asked if he would love to work with Stephen Chow, Austin stated that it is one of his dreams as an actor.
“When it comes to comedy, I have been deeply influenced by the many works of Sing Yeh since I was a child,” he added.
In “Marry My Dead Body”, Austin plays a ghost who is forced into a ghost marriage after his death as his grandmother is reluctant to let him go without seeing him married.

(Photo Source: Stephen Chow IG, Austin Lin IG)