Carla Abellana recently urged fans to not forget the animals during a natural disaster, following the recent Typhoon Paeng.
On 30 October, the actress took to social media to share a message from Pawssion Project on the importance of not leaving pets behind during such disasters.
“Please do not leave your pets behind and always include them in your evacuation plans. One of the most heart-breaking scenario in an emergency or natural disaster is always pets getting left behind. Some are not even given the chance to at least escape and find a safe place,” she wrote.
“Also, please do open up your homes and establishments to strays when you can. It’s times like this that they need us the most. Stay safe and dry everyone!” she added.
Among the things that the Pawssion Project wants pet owners to remember is to have an emergency pet kit checklist that include sufficient food supply and first aid kit, to make sure pets are properly identified through ID tags or microchip, as well as to develop a pet evacuation plan.

(Photo Source: Carla Abellana Instagram)