Iya Villania couldn’t help but feel a bit heartbroken to not being able to hold her kids, after she was tested positive for COVID-19.
On 10 January, the actress, who is also pregnant with her fourth child, shared a photo of her three children behind the glass door of their “Casa Arellano”, as she called it, as she begins her quarantine.
“This post is for all mamas and papas that are going [through] the same thing and have to endure not hugging and kissing their children,” she wrote. “This was the hardest thing to accept upon learning I was + (and I’m not taking about my pregnancy test).”
Iya stated that while her eldest son Primo understood the situation and her second boy Leon is taking it all well as he is following his big brother’s lead, she couldn’t help but feel sad for her youngest, Alana.
“Boy, it broke my heart to see her cry for me and not being able to console her even for a bit. So, mamas in this same situation, you are not alone! My tip? Try not to cry!!!! [Because] the tears will only cause nasal congestion and lengthen recovery! I know, I know… [it’s hard]! Man, I CRIED!!! But you have to get over it as soon as you can and get in that speed car towards recovery for your family,” she added.
It was noted that husband and TV personality Drew Arellano is also in isolation with her.

(Photo Source: Iya Villania Instagram)