Candy Pangilinan recently revealed that she has caught COVID-19 a second time, and this time it is more serious than the first one.

The actress shared her experience in her recent vlog posted on YouTube, stating that she is worried about the possibility of passing the virus to her family, seeing that her second time is much more severe than the first time in December 2020.

“The first time I got COVID, they weren’t infected at all. But now, I don’t know. And I really hope and pray that they didn’t get infected,” she said.

Candy stated that the first time she had it, she did not experience any of the symptoms, but that she is now experiencing a whole of it, including the fever, joint pain and chills.

Despite the situation, the actress said that she is still grateful and blessed that she is isolated in her own home.

“I am very optimistic of 2022, of what it will bring us, each one of us, and I pray that 2022 will be the best for all of us,” she added.

Candy Pangilinan caught COVID-19 the second time, candy pangilinan, celeb asia, covid-19, theHive.Asia
Candy is worried for her family as well, especially son Quentin

(Photo Source: Candy Pangilinan Instagram)