The Keanu Reeves twin is no more, as Wang Leehom recently shaved off his pandemic beard to return to his original look.
On 13 July, the singer held a live broadcast where fans got to witness the removal of the viral beard, which in the end attracted over 12 million people to watch.
He also successfully convinced more than 3000 people to his singing course, which he – of course – enticed by telling them he would shave his beard if he received over that said number.
During the live broadcast, Leehom also revealed that he let his hair and beard grew long as it’s been a while since he went out or attended public events due to the pandemic.
Fans and friends alike commented on the return of the clean-shaven Leehom, with good pal Vivian Hsu expressed, “Keanu Reeves finally retreated and gave us the complete Leehom!”

(Photo Source: Wang Leehom Instagram, Mingpao)