Here’s something exciting to look forward to next year: the grand opening of
Universal Studios Japan’s (USJ) Super Nintendo World!
The Universal Studios theme park in Osaka has revealed several new
photos, as shared on its official Twitter account, as well as given an update on
the opening date.

The world’s first Super Nintendo World is now set to open at USJ on 4 February
Following its groundbreaking ceremony in 2017, the Nintendo-based land was
originally scheduled to open in the middle of this year, when tourist traffic
was expected to be exceptionally high due to the 2020 Summer Olympics. Of
course, the global pandemic put a halt to this plan.

As updated on USJ’s official website, there are currently three attractions
Mario Kart: Koopa’s Challenge is described as “iconic Mario Kart courses
[that] have been brought to life with cutting-edge technology.” In Yoshi’s
Adventure, players will go on a treasure hunt while enjoying “a spectacular
view of the Mushroom Kingdom from Mount Beanpole while having fun on this ride
that’s perfect for the whole family.” Meanwhile in Power Up Band Key
Challenges, players will play interactive games throughout Super Nintendo
World and the Final Challenge will be “an exciting boss battle with Bowser
Super Nintendo World is also expected to open in Universal Studios Hollywood;
Universal Studios Singapore, though there are concerns of the lack of space
here; and the upcoming Universal’s Epic Universe in Orlando.
(Photo source: USJ Official’s Twitter)